Biblical Foundations International - Catholic Apologetics - Gerry

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To honor Our Lady of Fatima: two free CDs!

To honor Our Lady of Fatima: two free CDs!


Dear Friends:

In honor of Our Lady of Fatima, and today’s 100th anniversary of her final apparition to the three seers on October 13, 1917, I am offering a free copy of my 2-CD set entitled “Every King Has a Queen Mother: The Biblical Basis of Catholic Teaching About Mary” (a $17.95 value, and one of our best-sellers) to anyone who might be interested in doing any one of the following three things:

1) Go to my online store at and order $100 of any combination of books and/or CDs you like. You needn’t include the “Every King Has a Queen Mother” CD set in your order, or indicate that you expect a free copy: one will automatically be included with the merchandise you order.


2) Sign up for at least two hour-long sessions on any Bible book or books that you wish to study with me — anything from the Bible’s first book (Genesis) to its last (the Apocalypse) or anything in between. I’ll teach you this book (or these books, if you choose more than one) using Skype, Google Hangouts, or whatever videoconferencing application or website you choose. Pay my low, low tutoring rate using PayPal, a credit card (Visa, MasterCard, or Discover), or check, and as soon as I receive your payment I’ll immediately put a copy of “Every King Has a Queen Mother” in the mail to you. NOTE: My discounted fee is only $50 an hour. Most college-level instructors — especially those with my level of education as well as professional teaching experience (faculty member on seven different colleges, universities, and graduate schools) — charge more.


3) Pick any one of the courses I teach in dogmatic theology, the Church Fathers, the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas and other great doctors of the church, canon law, philosophy, apologetics, logic, history (Church history, world history, US history), literature (world, English, or American literature), Latin, Greek, Hebrew, French, English grammar and composition, politics and economics — see the list that immediately follows — and take at least two hour-long sessions of instruction in this subject (or subjects: you could take two different courses and study an hour in each). Same terms as option 2 above.

This special, limited-time offer of a free copy of my 2-CD set “Every King Has a Queen Mother: The Biblical Basis of Catholic Teaching About Mary” (normally a $17.95 value) is only good for the next seven days, and expires at midnight on Friday, October 20. Act now!!

Yours in Our Lady of Fatima,

Gerry Matatics 




Note: Other customized courses can be created as well to meet your needs or interests: please email me at with your proposed subject(s).


Latin 101: Introduction to Ecclesiastical Latin

Hebrew 101: Introduction to Old Testament Hebrew

Greek 101: Introduction to New Testament Greek

Church History 101: The First Six Centuries of Christianity

Church History 401: History of the Papacy Through the Middle Ages

Church History 501: The Continental Protestant Reformation: Luther

Church History 502: The Continental Protestant Reformation: Calvin

Church History 503: The English Reformation, and Its Relevance Today

Church History 701: The Second Vatican Council: Its History, Its Sixteen Documents, and Its Implementation Up to the Present Day


Patristics 101: The Apostolic Fathers

Patristics 104: The Life, Theology, and Works of St. Augustine


Philosophy 101: History of Philosophy: Ancient (Greek and Roman)

Philosophy 102: History of Philosophy: Medieval

Philosophy 103: History of Philosophy: Modern

Philosophy 201: Logic & Critical Thinking


Theology 101: The Doctrine of God

Theology 102: The Doctrine of the Trinity

Theology 201: St. Thomas Aquinas’s Summa Theologiae, Part I

Theology 401: The Doctrines Concerning Mary

Theology 491: The Doctrine of Hell 

Theology 501: Classic Catholic Moral Theology


Apologetics 201: The Case for Theism

Apologetics 202, Special Seminar: The Problem of Evil and the Existence of God 

Apologetics 303: The Case Against Islam

Apologetics 304: The Case Against the Jehovah’s Witnesses

Apologetics 305: The Case Against Mormonism

Aoologetics 306: The Case Against Hinduism

Apologetics 307: The Case Against Eastern Orthodoxy

Apologetics 309: The Case Against Protestantism

Apologetics 501: Anti-Sedevacantism Refuted: A Detailed Critique of John Salza and Robert Siscoe’s True or False Pope?


Spirituality 301: Biblical Insights into the Fifteen Mysteries of the Rosary


Canon Law 101: The 1917 Code of Canon Law


Marriage and Family 101: Classic Catholic Teaching on Marriage and the Family


Political Science 101: Classic Catholic Teaching on the State


US History 101: From Earliest Colonial Times through 1865

US History 201: History of the US Presidency from George Washington through Abraham Lincoln


World History 101: Ancient History to the Fall of Rome in AD 476


World Literature 101: The Greek Classics: Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey

World Literature 102: Greek Tragedy: Aeschylus, Euripides, Sophocles

World Literature 201: Greek and Roman Mythology

World Literature 202: Latin Classics: Vergil and Ovid

World Literature 401: Dante’s Divine Comedy


American Literature 501: Catholic Themes in the Fiction of Flannery O’Connor


English Literature 501: G.K. Chesterton: Early Works

English Literature 601: Catholic Themes in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings

English Literature 602: The Works of C.S. Lewis, part one


Drama 201: Shakespeare’s Hamlet

Drama 202: Shakespeare’s King Lear

Drama 2xx: any other Shakespeare play you prefer


Science 102: Creation vs. Evolution


Education 101: Designing a Classical Catholic Homeschooling Curriculum


Latin 101: First Year Latin 

French 101: First Year French

English 101: English Grammar & Composition


Chess 101: Beginning Chess Fundamentals & Strategies

Misc 101: A critique of Dan Brown’s pseudo-theological novels, including his latest, Origin (just published Oct 3, 2017) 

Updated On: October 14th, 2017

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February 16th, 2025

Donations are to Gerry Matatics as a speaker and writer, dba ("doing business as") Biblical Foundations International (BFI). BFI is not a 501 (c) 3, tax-exempt, non-profit corporation, and donations to it are not tax deductible as such.

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