Changes to Broadcast Schedule & Content
1. The special Facebook Live broadcast I had previously announced would occur tonight (Sat, Mar 4) at 8:30 pm has been re-scheduled for Monday, March 6, 8:30 pm. This is an extremely vital, urgent, and time-sensitive topic — impacting many people’s personal lives, families, and the culture at large — that I’ve been asked to address, which will require an additional amount of preparation over the weekend.
2. There will therefore be NO Facebook Live broadcast tonight or tomorrow night (Sun, Mar 5), to enable me to complete the necessary preparation to adequately discuss this topic in a responsible and fully researched fashion.
3. Next Wednesday (Mar 8), Friday (Mar 10), Saturday (Mar 11), Sunday (Mar 12), and the following Wednesday (Mar 15) will witness a pre-empting of the usual series which normally air on those nights — Christian Social Principles (Wed nights), Dogmatic Theology (Fri nights), Old Testament (Sat nights), and New Testament (Sun nights) — to bring you a special Lenten 5-night series on the Biblical background to the first five mysteries (i.e., the Joyful Mysteries) of the Holy Rosary.
4. If this is well-received, later in Lent (perhaps after a week or two’s “return to our regularly scheduled programming”) we will again pre-empt our normal broadcasts with a second special week to explore the Sorrowful Mysteries, and near the end of Lent a final week on the Glorious Mysteries. I also plan on doing a series on Our Lord’s Seven Last Words from the Cross during Holy Week.
5. Please note that next week’s pre-empting (described in paragraph 3 above) does NOT include Monday, March 13. On that night we will still have our regularly scheduled session on Dom Guéranger’s The Liturgical Year. Since we will have already pre-empted the Guéranger class this coming Monday (March 6) to bring you the special broadcast on the aforementioned urgent topic, we will need to resume our discussion of Guéranger on March 13 because we cannot afford to skip The Liturgical Year two weeks in a row, or we will not be able to catch up on the readings. (On March 13 we will already have the challenge of covering the readings for the previous two weeks.)
May Almighty God be granting you a grace-filled Lent.
Yours in Christ our Suffering Savior and Mary, Mother of Sorrows,
Gerry Matatics