Biblical Foundations International - Catholic Apologetics - Gerry

Welcome to, the website for Gerry Matatics's apostolate, Biblical Foundations International. We are an International Catholic Biblical Institute dedicated to exploring and explaining the Biblical Foundations for the Catholic Faith.

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February 16th, 2025

Donations are to Gerry Matatics as a speaker and writer, dba ("doing business as") Biblical Foundations International (BFI). BFI is not a 501 (c) 3, tax-exempt, non-profit corporation, and donations to it are not tax deductible as such.

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Quote of the Day

"...the great movement of apostasy being organized in every country for the establishment of a One-World Church which shall have neither dogmas, nor hierarchy, neither discipline for the mind, nor curb for the passions, and which, under the pretext of freedom and human dignity, would bring back to the world (if such a Church could overcome) the reign of legalized cunning and force, and the oppression of the weak, and of all those who toil and suffer. [...] Indeed, the true friends of the people are neither revolutionaries, nor innovators: they are traditionalists."


(Pope Saint Pius X, "Our Apostolic Mandate," 1910)


To see our complete "Quote of the Day" repository of quotes, click here
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We at Biblical Foundations International believe that we cannot possibly possess the spiritual discernment to adequately assess the crisis of our times unless we are obedient to the requests of Our Lady of Fatima, and of so many popes and doctors of the Church, to devoutly pray the Rosary -- at the very least, five mysteries of the Rosary daily, and all fifteen mysteries, if you can.

In addition to whatever other intentions you mention, please pray specifically that God will show you the truth regarding the full extent of the current apostasy, and that He will give you the grace to conform to that truth, whatever sacrifice is entailed.

Gerry's "Whenever" Word Updated sporadically


Dear Friends:


From now on, I will be doing Facebook Live broadcasts, approximately an hour long in length, every single Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday evening at 9 pm Eastern Time, unless I specify otherwise.


I won’t feel the need to post a notice like this in advance of any of those nights to alert you to an upcoming broadcast that evening; I’ll simply start the live broadcast at 9 pm and expect you to know beforehand that it’s happening, should you wish to join the live audience and interact with me.


If that’s not a convenient time for your schedule, fear not: each broadcast, upon its completion at the end of that “hour,” is always immediately uploaded to my Facebook page so that anyone can watch it whenever they wish.


Please remind anyone who might be interested in watching these videos that they do NOT need a Facebook account to go to my page and view them. They simply need to turn their computer’s, tablet’s, smartphone’s, or smart TV’s web browser to to be taken directly to my public figure Facebook page.


My tentative plan at this point in my thinking is to broadcast on the Old Testament on Mondays, Church history on Tuesdays, New Testament on Thursdays, and philosophy & apologetics on Saturdays, though I may rearrange this lineup as needed, and/or interrupt these regular series with an occasional. “One shot” special broadcast on some timely topic. Future courses on papal documents down through the ages, dogmatic and moral theology, canon law, classic Catholic political & economic theory, and significant works of literature with which every educated Catholic should be familiar, are also waiting in the wings.


These broadcasts are free, but since the time required to prepare each one is significant, and time is money, I profoundly appreciate those who make occasional donations to help fund this ongoing educational apostolate.


As always, there are three ways to donate:

  1. You can go to my website at to click the “Make A Donation” button to use PayPal to donate.
  2. You can call me at (570) 969-1724 and use your MasterCard or Visa to make a donation.
  3. You can mail a check or money order, made out either to “Biblical Foundations Internationasl” or to “Gerry Matatics,” to me at 900 Sunset St, Scranton PA 18509.


Thank you for your interest and support. May Almighty God give you an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, and may you drink deeply at the wells of truth.


...Read more

Date Added: Monday, November 4 2019

Gerry Replies

Is Gerry Matatics a ''sedevacantist''?

Gerry Replies (slightly revised November 21, 2007):

I'm a Catholic, pure and simple (though hopefuly not too simple) -- and have been, ever since my conversion from Protestantism 21 years ago, by a miracle of God's grace. I love the Catholic Faith and wish only to profess it in all its purity and fullness. I love the Catholic Church and wish only and always to be a faithful member of Her, since She has repeatedly and solemnly defined as a dogma that there is no salvation outside of her.

Every Catholic -- however he or she might prefer to be positive in his presentation of the Faith -- must necessarily oppose and reject all those persons and things that are incompatible with Catholicism.

...Read more

Date Added: Tuesday, December 12 2006

guest writers

A Commentary on Rome's Lifting of the SSPX "Excommunications" of 1988

[Note from Gerry Matatics: I do not necessarily agree with every opinion of this guest writer (a friend of mine) -- I do not share, for example, his certitude on the validity of the SSPX bishops' consecration (expressed in his closing sentence), nor do I agree with him on other matters not touched upon in his essay -- but his essay essentially says what I've been saying when asked what I think of the recent  developments between Rome and the SSPX, and he has kindly granted permission for his essay to be reproduced here "as is." I shall have my own essay on the SSPX posted on my website later this month.]

...Read more

Date Added: Tuesday, February 17 2009

Our Lady of Guadalupe (feast day December 12)

The Story

"And the land was polluted with blood," by idolaters who sacrificed their sons and daughters to devils (Psalm 105:38). Such was Mexico when Hernando Cortes arrived there in 1519. Some ten million native Nahuatl Indians formed a vast confederation of tribes at this time. These tribes were dominated by the powerful Aztecs who, for all their intelligence, industry, and valor, were equally barbaric, enslaved by an extravagant system of idolatry which placated its numerous gods with gruesome orgies of human sacrifice and cannibalism. For centuries torrents of blood literally flowed from the temple pyramids, with as many as 20,000 humans being sacrificed in one day.

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Date Added: Tuesday, December 12 2006

speaking tour
Upcoming Events

Please click on the dates below to view more information about the events

GERRY'S 2006-2012 "MEGA-TOUR"

List of over 300 cities & towns where Gerry is speaking in 2006-2012

Cities already visited in 2006-2012 megatour

Click here for a list of cities where Gerry has already spoken on his current (and final) tour

BFI news and stuff
What's New?
St. Jerome Study Center News & Information

"I congratulate you on the stand you took against the post Vatican II changes (especially the Mass) and applaud your willingness to accept the inevitable negative consequences of such a stand. God will surely reward your sacrifice abundantly ... Our [men's group] would love for you to come and give another talk at our church if your schedule permits. We are well aware of the financial cross you and your family suffer as a result of yor siding with Truth and are willing to cover whatever fee you deem necessary. Thank you and God bless you."

G.S., Denver CO

Pictures from Gerry's Recent Travels

Statue of Our Lady of La Salette, at the site of her (Church- approved) apparition on September 19, 1846, in the French Alps. On that occasion the Blessed Virgin announced, weeping, that "in the last days, Rome will lose the Faith and become the seat of the Antichrist... the Church will be in eclipse." Our apostolate is dedicated to Our Lady of La Salette and to spreading her much-opposed message.

Photo taken by Christina Matatics on the occasion of a pilgrimage of Gerry and daughter Christina to the La Salette shrine on 9/11/05