Biblical Foundations International - Catholic Apologetics - Gerry

Welcome to Biblical Foundations International - Catholic Apologetics - Gerry We are an International Catholic Biblical Institute dedicated to exploring and explaining the Biblical Foundations for the Catholic Faith.

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Important News from Gerry Matatics

Important News from Gerry Matatics

Dear Friends,

I have two new, exciting projects I am eager to launch during these final weeks of 2011, and several more planned for 2012. Some of these projects (e.g., some small books I've written on a few crucial topics, a 25-CD set constituting a complete college-level course on apologetics, etc.) are ones I've mentioned before, while some of them are new.

One of these projects is SCRIPTORIUM, an online Scripture school in which you can study through the entire Bible -- from Genesis 1 right through to Apocalypse chapter 22 -- one chapter at a time, at your own pace.

The new website will provide, for each chapter of the Bible, a video lecture by me, extensive commentary by the Fathers and Doctors of the Church as well as classic Catholic commentators of the past (such as Cornelius a Lapide), tips to help you remember an outline of that chapter and its key events and/or teachings, as well as practical help in memorizing crucial Scripture verses. The website will also provide special access to me enabling you to email me your questions on that day's chapter and get them answered within a 24-hour turn-around time.

If this proves successful (and I believe the response to this will be enormously enthusiastic), I hope to then launch -- one at a time -- several similar online survey courses in Church history, philosophy, systematic theology, apologetics, moral theology, canon law, Catholic political & economic theory, Western Civilization (including a book-by-book survey of the "Great Books"), Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and others.

All these courses will ultimately comprise a full, online Catholic university which can confer an academic degree on those who wish to receive such.

The only thing currently holding me back is the lack of sufficient funds necessary to launch and then sustain this worthwhile enterprise. I need to tell you bluntly that I have finally hit that brick wall that I have been dreading, and about which I have been occasionally warning our customers and donors in recent months. 

My wife, after checking our credit card balance online this past Monday night at 11 pm, delivered the extremely bad news to me that we literally have only $1 -- that's no typo: one single dollar! -- left in available credit on the last card we were using to continue this apostolate. (Our other cards were maxxed out long ago, we have closed those accounts, and are making the minimum payments on them each month.) 

Obviously with only one dollar left, and no savings of our own or sufficient sales income heading our way without the supplementation of solicited donations, I cannot launch the new website. Nor can I plan any further lecture tours, produce or duplicate any new CDs, print up the aforementioned books, or implement any other projects whatsoever. Biblical Foundations International is completely stuck in the financial doldrums -- becalmed, with no wind to fill our spiritual sails and move us forward.

I am completely at a loss. I don't wish to have to cease the full-time work for which I believe God in His undeserved mercy has uniquely equipped me -- and in which He has so marvelously and faithfully sustained me for over a quarter of a century now -- a work His grace has rendered so fruitful thus far.

We've reached literally over a million people so far with the Biblical case for authentic Catholicism, have helped literally thousands of non-Catholics embrace the Catholic Faith, and helped hundreds if not thousands of professing Catholics to see through, and break free from, the counterfeit Catholicism of our day -- the cleverly-coated modernism that characterizes the local parishes, the dioceses, and tragically even Rome itself in these long-foretold days of deception and darkness. (Witness the pan-religious "Assisi III" World Day of Prayer for Peace which Benedict XVI recently hosted on October 27, an event clearly incompatible with the Church's classic teaching.)

I would hate to see all this achievement come to an end if I must now shut down Biblical Foundations International due to having no more funds, and instead spend my days at a secular job, although I will gladly submit to whatever God's will is for me at this crucial crossroads of my life.

If you can help me to continue doing my full-time apologetics and evangelization outreach, so desperately needed in this age of apostasy, you have my undying gratitude and, I believe, the gratitude of many others.

I honestly do not enjoy making such appeals. And I'm reluctant, in today's economy, to beseech anyone for a donation, when so many are struggling (as we are). But my need right now is very real, and your help is extremely critical to our continuance.

You may donate by either:

a) clicking on the "Make a Donation" button in the upper right of each page on this website, or

b) phoning me at (570) 969-1724, or

c) emailing me at, or

d) mailing a check or money order, made payable to to either "Gerry Matatics" or "Biblical Foundations International," to me at PO Box 569, Dunmore PA 18512. 

I am deeply grateful for all our supporters' past purchases and donations, for without your support such projects would not be possible. Please know that it is our joy to remember all our donors and their loved ones, both living and deceased, every day in our family rosaries and other prayers.

If there is anything further I can do for any of you wishing to help us continue this vital work, please let me know. Thank you, and may Almighty God richly reward you.

Your servant in Christ our King and Mary our Queen Mother,

Gerry Matatics 

Updated On: January 25th, 2012

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April 25th, 2024

Donations are to Gerry Matatics as a speaker and writer, dba ("doing business as") Biblical Foundations International (BFI). BFI is not a 501 (c) 3, tax-exempt, non-profit corporation, and donations to it are not tax deductible as such.

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